View Full Version : New Donation Meter and Expenditures
04-17-2010, 06:44 PM
Greetings SWGEmu community! We are pleased to announce that our new donation meter is now operational. In the past, the meter would not properly reflect the accurate amount of donations because it calculated all donations as US Dollars. As such, it appeared we were far surpassing our monthly donation goals which was not always the case. The new meter accurately depicts actual donations.
So where do these donations go?
Currently we have $722.90 USD in our SWGEmu expense account, of which we have paid $300.00 of our $500.00 monthly expenses. Any extra money left over after the bills are paid is then put towards upgrading our equipment, software and/or services to provide you all with the best experience possible.
Example: In the last 6 months we have upgraded to a 100Mbit dedicated connection and upgraded to a SSD hard drive on the TC:Nova server.
Upgrades like this are only possible because of having some money left over each month. So a huge Thank You!! to our community members that continue to support the project. We will continue to upgrade our services whenever possible if we have a surplus of funds.
04-17-2010, 06:56 PM
I wish i could donate. :(
But hug THANK YOU to everyone who can and who does donate.
And thanks to SWGEmu team for making all this possible.
04-17-2010, 07:20 PM
I wish i could donate. :(
But hug THANK YOU to everyone who can and who does donate.
And thanks to SWGEmu team for making all this possible.
Why can't you donate?
04-17-2010, 07:29 PM
Why can't you donate?
PayPal or any other form of online trade or banking doesn't work in my retarded country. We cant be trusted because our banks suck, our law is piece of crap and our government is corrupted. :(
04-17-2010, 07:34 PM
thanks for an update, so we know you are still alive
04-17-2010, 08:27 PM
PayPal or any other form of online trade or banking doesn't work in my retarded country. We cant be trusted because our banks suck, our law is piece of crap and our government is corrupted. :(
What country do you live in?
04-17-2010, 08:32 PM
What country do you live in?
Uhhh The US? LOL
04-18-2010, 01:19 AM
04-18-2010, 07:31 AM
Thank You 2 The Team And All Who Donate I Think Every One Forgest Just Cos You Dont Donate Money Does Not Mean You Havent Help'ed If You Know Any Bug Or Glitch Etc And Reported Then You Have Help The Team Work Apon Removal Or Fix,
If You Help'ed A Player With Somthing In Game That They Need A Gm To Help Then You Saved The Team Time And Helped Them Out..
So Thank You To The Team The Community And Keep Helping Any Way You Can.
This Is Minishark Radio Out
-Pre Cu / Nge
-Oasis / Haf
Remember The Old Days.
Solus Bellator
04-18-2010, 08:43 AM
I'm new on the EMU Vlada, but I would think it's pretty safe to say you've helped in other ways. Anybody that reads these forums knows this.
04-18-2010, 09:18 AM
PayPal or any other form of online trade or banking doesn't work in my retarded country. We cant be trusted because our banks suck, our law is piece of crap and our government is corrupted. :(
Sounds just like the usa
04-18-2010, 11:17 AM
I have been following this project for years. Within a few months of its start. Every once in a while I look it up and see how it is going, maybe log-in and donate a little money.
I was VERY worried about the project this last time I noticed there were almost no recent updates. I thought the project had died and the server was just left up and running. Happy to see that is no the case. Although it may seem like a waste of time, updating the community is very important.
The game is very playable at this point. Beyond the initial release by SOE.
I think it is in desperate need of some player towns to get back the SWEG feel. I think I will be on the serer somewhat regularly at this point.
I set up a $5 recurring monthly donation through paypal. I think anyone interested in this project should do likewise(recurring donation). It allows for easier budgeting and a sense of financial security for the devs.
04-18-2010, 11:24 AM
PayPal or any other form of online trade or banking doesn't work in my retarded country. We cant be trusted because our banks suck, our law is piece of crap and our government is corrupted. :(
Sounds like your from america! lol jk/jk... don't want my patriot neighbors to water board me.
But thx for the work on the website!
Jahnee Ventoor
04-20-2010, 06:15 PM
I've been playing on this test server for 6mos or so. I put in several years on the original Flurry server and worked hard towards earning my characters' jedi creds. It was an absolute thrill to play the pre CU version of this game. I found it quite mature compared to any game that had come along till then.
When they went and nerfed the entire game and ruined it, I was just frustrated ,trying to play the CU and then the NGE and quit in disgust. I know there are many like me who have found their way to this server, and many first timers.
I will happily donate my cash to this and any other SWGemu group, but I am having a hard time finding any news of any upcoming additions to the game. The server is a LOT more stable than in the past and the vehicles have been a nice addition, but several months back you wrote that there would be NO Additions and that a REAL server would be up "soon".
Wha Hoppened??
04-20-2010, 09:54 PM
Thank you for the update although I'm not overly sure why you guys feel you need to justify things. Isn't it kind of a given that it's going to the project and not to buy Ultyma or Ramsey a new car or something? lol. Granted, everything posted is kosher and is exactly what the donations should be going to, it's a good system, extra at the end of the month rolls over and helps with the next month.
I was already completely thrilled the forums were back up, a new post from the staff was the cherry on top. :)
04-20-2010, 11:17 PM
Sounds like your from america! lol jk/jk... don't want my patriot neighbors to water board me.
But thx for the work on the website!
You realize you're the third person to post this, was only funny the first time.
04-21-2010, 08:33 AM
I think this whole project is a nice victory for open source development and the creative spirit among consumers. In the reign of the very closed iPhone and iPad, it's nice to see a bunch of creative, hardworking, dedicated every day people go toe to toe with and electronics giant and come out on top..
04-21-2010, 09:48 AM
You realize you're the third person to post this, was only funny the first time.
It was only funny the first time. The other two times it just made me depressed.
04-21-2010, 10:08 AM
I wish i could donate. :(
But hug THANK YOU to everyone who can and who does donate.
And thanks to SWGEmu team for making all this possible.
I will donate as well, once other people stop :), and I get enough money. Have not played that much, just lvl'ed up a toon and kind of stopped, miss the other gameplay features, and the feeling of progression(knowing your on a beta server doesnt help :))
04-21-2010, 10:10 AM
Can Internet Explorer users please test the donate button and confirm that it works or does not work?
Like the other forum controls, (i.e. Edit), the donate button does not work for me.
04-21-2010, 10:41 AM
Greetings SWGEmu community! We are pleased to announce that our new donation meter is now operational. In the past, the meter would not properly reflect the accurate amount of donations because it calculated all donations as US Dollars. As such, it appeared we were far surpassing our monthly donation goals which was not always the case. The new meter accurately depicts actual donations.
So where do these donations go?
Currently we have $722.90 USD in our SWGEmu expense account, of which we have paid $300.00 of our $500.00 monthly expenses. Any extra money left over after the bills are paid is then put towards upgrading our equipment, software and/or services to provide you all with the best experience possible.
Example: In the last 6 months we have upgraded to a 100Mbit dedicated connection and upgraded to a SSD hard drive on the TC:Nova server.
Upgrades like this are only possible because of having some money left over each month. So a huge Thank You!! to our community members that continue to support the project. We will continue to upgrade our services whenever possible if we have a surplus of funds.
And this is why I keep donating even after it reaches the 100% mark :)
Can Internet Explorer users please test the donate button and confirm that it works or does not work?
Like the other forum controls, (i.e. Edit), the donate button does not work for me.
The donate button works fine in IE. I've used it in both IE and Firefox.
04-21-2010, 10:55 AM
What country do you live in?
04-21-2010, 11:23 AM
The donate button works fine in IE. I've used it in both IE and Firefox.
I've tried it now in IE7 and IE8, on Windows XP Pro and Windows 7 Pro. Neither works. I assume this is similar to the issues with the "Edit" button.
Can any other IE users please verify the button?
04-21-2010, 11:28 AM
I'm new on the EMU Vlada, but I would think it's pretty safe to say you've helped in other ways. Anybody that reads these forums knows this.
I agree with this
04-21-2010, 11:59 AM
I wish there were more updates to the community about the status of Suncrusher / OR, though I know its not feasible and sometimes those updates could actually go toward fixing the issues instead of saying you're going to be fixing the issues, etc.
Though a monthly update would be nice about what's going down on the OR or what bugs/fixes have gone in. Something just to keep those in the dark able to see a tiny light from the end of the tunnel.
04-21-2010, 01:23 PM
Though a monthly update would be nice about what's going down on the OR or what bugs/fixes have gone in. Something just to keep those in the dark able to see a tiny light from the end of the tunnel.
That is our goal however sometimes it doesn't work out that way due to any number of reasons. There will be an update soon, I promise (and no that is not a Soon(TM) ;).
04-21-2010, 04:52 PM
PayPal or any other form of online trade or banking doesn't work in my retarded country. We cant be trusted because our banks suck, our law is piece of crap and our government is corrupted. :(
that sounds like you are living in the USA ? :D
04-21-2010, 05:30 PM
that sounds like you are living in the USA ? :D
04-21-2010, 06:50 PM
I wish there were more updates to the community about the status of Suncrusher / OR, though I know its not feasible and sometimes those updates could actually go toward fixing the issues instead of saying you're going to be fixing the issues, etc.
Though a monthly update would be nice about what's going down on the OR or what bugs/fixes have gone in. Something just to keep those in the dark able to see a tiny light from the end of the tunnel.
^^^Agree with that.
We're way past 3 months since the last bi-weekly update.
I mean even the official FAQ says that Suncrusher is expected to be up in the first quarter of 2009.
I think a lot more people (at least ME) would be more comfortable donating more if we knew it was going for more than keeping the server alive one more month on a project that has been abandoned.
04-21-2010, 08:07 PM
^^^Agree with that.
We're way past 3 months since the last bi-weekly update.
Actually is has been 5 weeks since our last update. The bi-weekly model is on hold and has been for some time.
04-21-2010, 08:09 PM
^^^Agree with that.
We're way past 3 months since the last bi-weekly update.
I mean even the official FAQ says that Suncrusher is expected to be up in the first quarter of 2009.
I think a lot more people (at least ME) would be more comfortable donating more if we knew it was going for more than keeping the server alive one more month on a project that has been abandoned.
posts like this tend to get flamed but i think even the trolls are getting frustrated lol.
Lets face it:
1. the EMU team is hard at work on the OR
2. there havent been any recent breakthroughs or announcements to the community
what does that mean we should do?
Hell if i know, it just means everyone is feeling down...the users, the devs, the mods, the trolls, its just a tough stretch...
04-21-2010, 08:09 PM
Ok...lets all back down is on for new update as stated.....
I don't know much about SS(solid state) Hard Drives, but just how greasy are they? Sounds sexy.
04-21-2010, 08:37 PM
You mean no updates in the last day or two?
assembla (
04-21-2010, 08:39 PM
You mean no updates in the last day or two?
assembla (
....only for those who don't troll the assembla data such as you and I.....:p
04-21-2010, 08:58 PM
Ok, so all of you guys are using Firefox? Or are just too lazy to check the button.
Nice testing.
04-21-2010, 09:08 PM
I'm using Firefox sorry.
04-21-2010, 09:19 PM
Ok, so all of you guys are using Firefox? Or are just too lazy to check the button.
Nice testing.
I have used IE8 today with all the features on the site. It went off with complete success. I know there are those of you that are having issues using IE 7/8 (buttons not working etc..) but it is hard to track down the issue since it isn't affecting everyone. I'll keep poking around trying to find something.
04-21-2010, 11:49 PM
04-23-2010, 10:20 AM
Vlada you have been invaluable just as you are!
I am working on the hubby to push some funds EMUs way, until then you got my tiny change-purse and the lint in the creases to give-away! TC is worth every penny of donated funds!
PS: why don't you have an option to pay $30.00? IT goes 5, 10, 20, 50.. what if someone wants to give 25 or 30 or 35 or 40 or 45? hrmmm wish you'da put in a way to type in the amount.....just sayin'.
04-23-2010, 10:59 AM
Vlada you have been invaluable just as you are!
I am working on the hubby to push some funds EMUs way, until then you got my tiny change-purse and the lint in the creases to give-away! TC is worth every penny of donated funds!
PS: why don't you have an option to pay $30.00? IT goes 5, 10, 20, 50.. what if someone wants to give 25 or 30 or 35 or 40 or 45? hrmmm wish you'da put in a way to type in the amount.....just sayin'.
Donate 20 and 10 or 20 and 5 or 20 10 and 5 :)
04-23-2010, 01:23 PM
Take heart dear fellows! Pre-CU SWG is playable!
04-23-2010, 02:21 PM
I am not a troll. I have already donated and I WILL be donating more when I know for a fact that the project is still alive.
I'd say the project is still alive.
Vlada you have been invaluable just as you are!
I am working on the hubby to push some funds EMUs way, until then you got my tiny change-purse and the lint in the creases to give-away! TC is worth every penny of donated funds!
PS: why don't you have an option to pay $30.00? IT goes 5, 10, 20, 50.. what if someone wants to give 25 or 30 or 35 or 40 or 45? hrmmm wish you'da put in a way to type in the amount.....just sayin'.
Just hit Custom, and type the amount.
04-23-2010, 07:29 PM
Just hit Custom, and type the amount.
^^ This.... I donate exactly $11 every month. Why $11? So I get my next gold bar.....silly wabbits.
^^ This.... I donate exactly $11 every month. Why $11? So I get my next gold bar.....silly wabbits.
hmm :|
04-23-2010, 10:23 PM
I'm having so much fun playing this game once again. Even with some of the crafting professions (my main enjoyment) not available and with the bugs, this version of SWG still wins over NGE anyday! Thanks to everyone involved with the project. :)
04-23-2010, 10:30 PM
I am enjoying Pre-CU once again! Thank you all who are working to bring back the real SWG. Even with bugs, glitches, and disconnects, it is still more fun to play then NGE by a long shot. If anyone could tell me how to report bugs or glitches that need to be fixed, I will gladly help to perfect the Pre-CU SWG Game!
04-24-2010, 07:08 AM
If You Read Properly It Says OR Is In Testing But To Run A Game Like This Befor Test Or And Then Making It Live For Us To Play You Need The Server To Run Better Which We Are Still Helping Buy Donating... They Will Upload The Server And Or When All Is Ready As They Have Built The Game Up From A Few Bits Of Code To A Hole Game, So They Still Need To Fix Bugs Glitch's Or Other Stuff They Have Not Yet Added But Testing Befor Upload Just Be Carm And Wait Keep Testing The Server To see It Become The Game We Once All Loved And Played They Will Put All That Is Need Or Once On The Game As And When They Code It But Just To Code The Bikes In To The Game Script And To Make It Run On Every Planet Every User And So On Is Meany Meany Pages Of Coding It Takes Time....
I Hope This Helps And I Hope You Carry On Enjoying The Great Offer This Guys Have Given Us I Mean They Dont Have To Do This Which Would Then Put A Dead End On This Game As They Are The Only Ones Working On It All The Others Are Just Using The Codes These Guys Made So Dont Rush Them And It Will Happen Soon...
If You Feel You Can Help Code Design Or Any Thing Else Contact Them See If They Need Or Wont You...
Any Further Q's Please Ask Or Ask The Mod's Or On IRC The More You Bug The Admins The Slower They Go As We Are More Important Than The Game To The Are Happiens Is What Makes Them Keep Going.
Written By MiniShark / Minimayheam
Back For One Reasion The Old Days
The Fun The Joy The Respect.
04-24-2010, 11:05 AM
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ lmfao
04-24-2010, 12:40 PM
long poorly written post that made my head explode
Please learn one very important thing. When forming a sentence in the English language, only the first letter of that sentence and any proper nouns are capitalized.
Learning that, will keep others heads from exploding!
Ozas Darkdust
04-25-2010, 12:07 AM
I almost wonder if he manually capitalizes every word, or if he has some program that does it for him...I dunno about you guys, but capitalizing really slows down my WPM =/
04-25-2010, 04:19 AM
I have used IE8 today with all the features on the site. It went off with complete success. I know there are those of you that are having issues using IE 7/8 (buttons not working etc..) but it is hard to track down the issue since it isn't affecting everyone. I'll keep poking around trying to find something.
this is the error message i get when i try to post a reply (buttons not working), hope it helps EtwVU1eYltz-072g18tQhSgo3N3ykUJ4G17gZ428/swgemu%20error.txt
Can Internet Explorer users please test the donate button and confirm that it works or does not work?
Like the other forum controls, (i.e. Edit), the donate button does not work for me.
works fine for me.
04-28-2010, 01:26 PM
I've been keeping an eye on SWGEmu ever since i found out about it two years ago. I decided to give it a try two days ago and I must say I'm very impressed.
SWGEmu group has donated a lot of their valuable programming time towards bringing Pre-CU SWG back to life and by looking at some of the posts in this forum I dont think most people appreciate it. I hope the SWGEmu group can be compensated financially for all this effort down the line.
With the donation meter in place and the cashflow of the donations disclosed and updated monthly I think you will see an influx of donations. When people see and understand what their donation is helping accomplish (better hardware leading to a more stable server ect), they will feel like a more needed part of the team.
With that said, I too will setup a montly donation of $10. This is nothing compared to the SWGEmu team's programming time every month but I hope the trend of support continues from the player base to help bring SWGEmu closer to completion with a heavier budget.
Thank you again for the time and effort.
04-29-2010, 05:53 PM
Thanks for posting the news! I visit the forums every day (sic hugh?) and I'm glad to see any small peace of an update. Just to know how the project is doing!
Keep up the good work!!
04-30-2010, 12:46 AM
I wish i could donate. :(
But hug THANK YOU to everyone who can and who does donate.
And thanks to SWGEmu team for making all this possible.
Suck up more bro.
04-30-2010, 03:21 AM
Suck up more bro.
Could you be more stupid?
04-30-2010, 04:10 AM
I'll vote yes!!
04-30-2010, 04:10 AM
sadly wish you could donate under $5.
05-11-2010, 12:57 PM
I've been laid off 1.5 years and still manage to donate, I could get $5 picking returnables off the side of the road... 0_o
05-11-2010, 01:07 PM
Ok, so all of you guys are using Firefox? Or are just too lazy to check the button.
Nice testing.
IE is a non w3c standards compliant browser and there for should not be used or supported in any way shape or from.
05-11-2010, 01:44 PM
if you read properly it says or is in testing but to run a game like this befor test or and then making it live for us to play you need the server to run better which we are still helping buy donating... They will upload the server and or when all is ready as they have built the game up from a few bits of code to a hole game, so they still need to fix bugs glitch's or other stuff they have not yet added but testing befor upload just be carm and wait keep testing the server to see it become the game we once all loved and played they will put all that is need or once on the game as and when they code it but just to code the bikes in to the game script and to make it run on every planet every user and so on is meany meany pages of coding it takes time....
I hope this helps and i hope you carry on enjoying the great offer this guys have given us i mean they dont have to do this which would then put a dead end on this game as they are the only ones working on it all the others are just using the codes these guys made so dont rush them and it will happen soon...
If you feel you can help code design or any thing else contact them see if they need or wont you...
Any further q's please ask or ask the mod's or on irc the more you bug the admins the slower they go as we are more important than the game to the are happiens is what makes them keep going.
Written by minishark / minimayheam
back for one reasion the old days
the fun the joy the respect.
Edit: Lol it removed the capitalization from ever word if you quote, but god, it's just as hard to read.
05-11-2010, 01:46 PM
Suck up more bro.
wow, really? i mean really? Save the fact that you are insulting just one fellow tester, i am going to point out the obvious, if it were not for people like Vlada, you would not be on a swgemu forum, let me repeat myself in another context, the community donates money to play this game= you make fun of the community and still play the game, but why? ignorance is my best guess.
05-15-2010, 03:44 AM
Anonymity works wonders for the bravery of morons who think they're in some small way interesting.
05-18-2010, 10:51 AM
Anonymity works wonders for the bravery of morons who think they're in some small way interesting.
^^^ This, and yes Vlada, your assistance to the forums and site have been worth more than some of the donations have been (not all of them just some of them) so you have been of greater importance than those :D
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