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Old 03-12-2008, 06:23 AM
Bowen McCloud Bowen McCloud is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Anchorage, Alaska
Posts: 85
are the Devs okay?

I've been checking the EMU website everyday for over two years now and I've noticed several points where the devs will post updates on a weekly basis and times where months will go by without a peep. Last time I checked the game was supposedly advancing at a rate not before seen so...where are the updates to keep us interested and supporting?

I remember several months ago Ramsey posted a seemingly angry message about the community not supporting the devs enough and the outcome from the feedback was that we needed feedback from ya'll to get the support..sort of a two lane road.

I understand that the devs are busy and all but I feel that part of running a game with an active community is to keep the community involved and excited so they don't wonder off to the next best thing.

My two cents,
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