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Old 09-14-2009, 10:32 AM
Kyle Kyle is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 750
Originally Posted by fettman View Post
well its half opensource actually to be technical. And yeah seeing basd on post dates 3 months of nothing for this OR then a patch which clearly took up a good chunk of that time put out so people could play on a test center, while the OR hasnt had much if any work done on it as of yet is kinda dissapointing and imo a serious case of time mismanagement.

That said As per Max's replies the devs other then those two really havent had much to do anyway as they are doing the engine3 end of things which isnt done.

In a way im glad soe doesnt listen too much to the players, it prevents things like this from happening.

Had that time been put soley into the OR it would probably be finished and being tested as we speak. But due to the players whinging on about it we get this useless update instead. Yep big dissapointment.

Which is why ive been tinkering around with the code of openswg instead, in the interim as nothing can really be done till the OR is atleast compilable anyway
Quardoplex/Fettman, Why don't you just leave? You act like someone who doesn't want to be here, and from your responses, everyone dislikes you and would cheer you leaving. I was going to overlook your ban evasion, but now you are just wasting my time.

Kyle (previously mustangcoupe69)
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