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Old 09-25-2009, 09:09 AM
JamesNode JamesNode is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 11
(obviously the dl won't be maxed out when having those types of programs on 24/7, but trust me, 100Mbit/s upload is not enough)

things might be different on the country-side here, but ppl have been able to get 1Gbit connections for many many years now in the capital where I live.

It's the consumer's market over here, if it's not good enough ppl change to another ISP, the infra-structure is already there, so they can't charge more for it than the other companies and claim that they're faster, so it's all about which company is the cheapest.

Obviously there are exceptions, some ppl might live too far away from the center of the city to have access to the city-net, forcing them to use DSL, cable etc instead of fiber... but if you're in the city-net you just need to pop in your LAN cable, pick the provider you want to use and the speed you wish to pay for and you're done.