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Old 10-21-2009, 06:54 AM
HeadyGlass HeadyGlass is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 35
From my understanding(seems like I never really know whats going on here[farmer john told me lots of stuff that I've never heard about again]) he didn't hack anything, he ran a program someone else designed, so how is he going to be an asset when he can't even write his own childish(teenage) script hacks so he can be teh coolio?

I mean, for real, have any of you guys even dealt with these storm asstards in game? They are worthless, ALL and ANY who want to be part of that guild.
If he, or another storm person, ever tried to tell me to do something as part of the staff, I would logout and never come back. I am 27 years old, I no longer have the time for a game being overrun by teenage angst *******s like storm.

Although the new updates have brought me back to play, I was gone for months, as having the main goal of the game dueling in theed isn't conducive, imo, to getting anything accomplished as far as testing, but the new updates give it meaning.

What I'm trying to say is, I KNOW with all my brainpower that there is a much more qualified person out there who would love to help, but nobody asked, they did it behind close doors and chose a storm member? F'real?