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Old 10-24-2009, 11:03 PM
Furthur Furthur is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 139
Loving the game! Loving what you all are doing! But i'm gonna go ahead and forfeit my testing status I'll be back when the rubber-banding is done away with. It is hard enough being able to craft a speeder and not use it, harvesters and such. (i know they are bugged its cool) Being flung 400m at a time, covering the equivalent of 4-5 times the distance to the mission each time I make a run.. I choose to clone instead of run back because its faster to die..heal my fatigue and wounds, re-buff and run out again then it is to walk back

Crafting? won't even bother..i grinded to novice WS/ART/AS/SW and finally got tired of waiting on my station to load. Harvesting? sure i can survey! but i rubberband all the way to the resource spawn and then AFK sample my way to resources.

bbl and i'll hope to test again!
Pre-CU Msmug/Mpistols
NGE- lawl