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Old 10-25-2009, 09:03 AM
Colt-556 Colt-556 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 640
Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
No, we got the prize, we got exactly what "community" was asking for.
I learned long ago, sometimes the communities right, most of the time it's not. But in the end I think we all (or atleast most of us) can agree that this rubberbanding issue IS harming testing, if it takes us hours to do 20 minute tasks simply cuz we keep getting rubberbanded, how are we suppose to test stuff? I, personally, think it'd be best to just remove it, let the speed hackers do what they want, and focus on more important issues. Who really cares if they hack to get ahead? The server's gonna be wiped clean anyways, it's really no different then when blue frogs were around and people got stuff instantly.