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Old 04-02-2007, 10:19 PM
scoutsb scoutsb is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 15
I personally couldn't care less if the admins are *******s or not. That being said, I can understand why some people can view them in such a way. But would you always be in a good mood if you were trying to reverse engineer a game with some much code in it, not to mention the code there trying to remove? And as far as what I would like to see in the EMU is just as it state, a SWG pre CU. Thats it. Yes it would be nice if Jedi were implemented from the gate. But as someone has stated (cant remember who) it will be just not right away, which is cool. In closing, just let them do what they do. Make the game pre CU. The less aggravation they have to deal with, the faster and more involved they will get to it. I say thanks to the tech and code savy chaps trying to make the game the way it should have been from the start. Thank you.