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Old 12-02-2009, 02:29 AM
ad27499 ad27499 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Dundee, Scotland
Posts: 50
Originally Posted by Manly_Breakfast_Sandwhich View Post

Camping in the Cloners

Players that kill another character in the field may not follow the character to the cloner and "camp" them for a second or third kill. This includes bringing additional members of the killer's guild or alts to wait at the cloner. As a rule of thumb, do not kill any player within the cloning facility.

I don't really agree with this the camped can just log out and play on another character... I mean with the emu some players have like 5 alts... if the camped does not wish to help himself by logging out and instead cries to IRC or reports then honestly its not the campers fault... it's the camped's fault.
Not everyone has 5 alts, some of us only have 2. And when 1 of them is stuck rubberbanding there is not much choice... The cloners should be offlimits for pvp anyway, at least for people that have just cloned.

Anyway. Keep up the good work team!

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IGN - Bovun Shesh