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Old 04-04-2007, 11:11 PM
Geral Geral is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 78
Originally Posted by OmaddaSzool View Post
Wow, It is great to hear this stuff!
Very impressive, as usual, guys!

Hey, I just wanted to chime in on this...
I know that the Mos Eisley Cantina (As one example) was revamped as far as NPC's and such... rather disappointingly (Another anti-improvement on their part).
I think it happened first during the CU, but it may have been before... can't remember...
Anyway, that is one place that I know the NPC's were messed around with and basically they took a lot of them out and arranged them differently.

It always bothered me, because heading into Mos Eisley Cantina was one of the first things I did in SWG at Launch and I was so blown away about being in that place as such a huge Star Wars fan, hehe.

So, I would suggest getting some Star Wars fans on the team to figure out exactly what NPC's should go where in there to make it better resemble the movie scene (As it was in the original SWG).
I think the furniture may have even been moved around, but I'm not quite positive on that one.

Eek... that took me too many words to say that... basically... SOE F'd up the NPC's in Mos Eisely Cantina and you should come up with some better placements than what they have there now (NGE).

Thanks for everything!
They could of done so much more with NPC's than having random generic titles nobody uses and having no purpose except to fill up cities.