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Old 12-05-2009, 02:37 PM
Labyrinth Labyrinth is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Originally Posted by busboybud View Post
How long is it going to take to collaborate? can we petition to get rid of this "anti-hack" strategy? It has so many false positives it hurts the community more than benefits it. My friend stopped playing because he was unaware of rb boxing and thought the game was just unbelievable laggy.
Almost everyday I log on I am boxed in and spend the majority of my time doing the shuttleport trick. Being a player who does not have a lot of time, this is very frustrating because I do not have 3 or 4 hours to spend playing, maybe an hour and 20 minutes of it is spent unboxing my characters...
I logged in a cave and logged in yesterday and not to my surprise, I was rubber band boxed! Its going to probably take 40 minutes for me to just get to the nearest shuttleport...
On the bright side there is one trick I don't think has been mentioned is hitting your auto-run key and then alt-tabbing out of the game. You can't see where you are going obviously but it seems to help me walk to a shuttleport faster.
Obviously it's frustrating; no one's going to deny that. If you want to play though, that's what you have to deal with right now. It's pretty much that simple.

It might sound like a "Tough. Live with it." response, but there's nothing else anyone can give you. It's not really a matter of making petitions; we, as a community, just have to give the Devs time to sort through it all and if that takes longer than most can handle, then so be it - they can return when news comes that it is fixed.

Also, in the coming month, take note of this Bi-Weekly Update, especially the part about staff availability:

"The staff wants to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season over the next month.

With the holidays looming, many staff will be taking time off to spend time with family and friends. Please be aware that staff will not be as available as we normally are during other months of the year. Responses to emails, postings and other issues may be slow."

But hey, also on the bright side, there's quite a lot we can do with the environment we've got, so make the best of it, eh.