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Old 03-14-2010, 06:49 PM
Qui-Larek Qui-Larek is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 107
Thanks for the update, lovely to see things are coming along in the background even if it isnt "visable" to everyone.

Been back in the EMU for a month or so now having logged on very early on when you could load into Anchorhead and run about like a chicken doing dervish2 animation and not a lot else and very impressed with the progress you have all made.

Please keep up the good work, the greatest star wars sage ever told, mine, had come to an end but now it continues and I thank you for that

QuiLarek - Chimaera Veteran
MiaLarek - Weaponsmith
AbeLarek - Doc
QuiqLarek - Inner Glow
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