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Old 04-27-2010, 02:58 PM
Freedon Freedon is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Onderon
Posts: 28
I'd suggest a way for the future users to not abuse the system, make new accounts not able to vote for 1 month -after- they've been created.

Also, take all the new accounts that were probably made for "Duping Votes" and delete them so they'd have to be remade. It's easy to tell which ones are which, see which ones have the exact same email. See one email with 10 log-in names, it's a dupe, erase the last 9.

Dupers FTLoss.....
"Beware stupid people in large number"
"That which does not kill me, had better run damned fast."
"First we try, then we trust"

Some of my favorite quotes are one-liners.

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