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Old 04-27-2010, 04:09 PM
Lamune Lamune is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Mos Eisley
Posts: 247
Originally Posted by kobzigon View Post
If im not wrong, every single forum, has the option to check the IP address where accounts logged in from. I would ban those IP's, or deleting every single account related to that IP.
They do. And they have. Identical IP addresses are banned automatically by the system the moment they log in.

Any such 'fraud' would have had to be done with proxy servers returning different IPs.

And it still doesn't make a damn bit of difference with the point spread one way or the other.

Originally Posted by Qui-Larek View Post
Know it or not if you played pre CU swg you have already lived through, item duping, credit exploits, hacks, and all manner of things yet SOE never took the action to wipe the servers even though it would have been in their power to do so - why?
Well, possibly for two reasons:

1.) It was a paid subscription based "live" server, not a free test environment.

2.) You conveniently ignore all of the bans, rollbacks, and credit purges, where they manually went in and removed duped credits and duped items, up to and including taking money back from players PAID with duped creds.

Players were BANNED for simply RECEIVING duped credits en masse.
(Which was great for 'luls, because that included tips, which you can't refuse.)

I still haven't heard a yes or no about banhammer methods in development for problem players. Holes can be patched, but *******s will be around forever if there isn't a way to deal with them.

Last edited by Lamune; 04-27-2010 at 04:11 PM.