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Old 04-27-2010, 06:01 PM
Phlier Phlier is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99
As much as I would have liked to see a wipe, we gotta remember one thing: we aren't paying for this game. We aren't paying for TC. The devs (whether we think this latest move right or wrong) are letting us play on TC because *they* chose to do so.

We make a big enough stink, and they could just chose to *not* let us do so.

Like it or not, we are guests in their home, and should act like it. Let's not let this whole thing blow up to the point that they just close TC to public use.
Jimu Brand
Fairly Reliable Armors

IGN: Jimu (12 point Armor Smith) RoH
Retired from NOVA.

Originally Posted by th3phantom View Post
Does somebody need their ass beat, San Francisco style?
These guys do: Gapster, Wint3rz, Wint3rz123, Bulbous, KV90