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Old 04-27-2010, 11:13 PM
chiwar7178 chiwar7178 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 17
Originally Posted by inyri View Post
Good luck finding some others.

You know, maybe you guys should not try to alienate the guys coding the game you want who are trying to make sure we don't do something as drastic as wiping the server based on information we can't verify is completely accurate.
The whole problem is that the community has been ignored and jerked around. The devs can't be alienated from or by any group that they don't pay any attention to in the first place.

On the flip-side of the coin: yes, a lot of people have been real a-holes--but this is on ALL sides of this entire dramafest. Devs, staff, AND players... Especially players; mainly due to the massive amount of posts/chat coming from the players, with very little coming from the others.

The major problem: the percentage of negativity when it comes to players vs. the percentage of negativity from everyone else. A much higher percentage of negativity IS coming from the devs/staff.

These last few days have shown that things haven't changed in the last few years. I leave that statement as-is. There are still problems all the way around.

Yes, devs spend a hell of a lot of time coding this project. The staff spends a hell of a lot of time administrating the site, server, irc, etc. What both of you groups fail to recognize, at least publicly: the players spend a hell of a lot MORE time playing through the code and finding any bugs. Yes, playing a game and doing coding or site administration are different ballparks, but their still time taken away from our families, friends, and pets. Time IS money.

I do appreciate what the devs are doing here, despite the supposed in-fighting and backbiting they have to deal with. No, they don't HAVE to do this. Ditto for the staff. This entire community needs to stop with all the disrespectful comments and out-and-out barbarism when dealing with one another.

Players: if you don't like what's going on here, you don't have to stay here, read the forums, donate, play the TC, or anything. If you really wish to show your disapproval, don't donate, don't post, and don't play here. The staff/devs don't have to take and BS from you. You don't have to be respectful, but you won't be disrespectful, at least not for very long. @ban does work here.

Staff/Devs: keep doing your thing, but be respectful. Just being in a position of power and/or authority does not grant you the right of respect. Respect is something earned, period. Just as stated above, just because you don't have the right of respect doesn't mean that you should be treated disrespectfully, either. At the absolute worst, y'all should be treated in a courteously-neutral manner. As you know @ban does work here. Exercise it if rules are not followed, hackers/exploiters are caught, or you're disrespected.