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Old 04-30-2010, 12:04 PM
\/icious \/icious is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by BankyEdwards View Post
well maybe you should read what the core issue was. the devs asked us to vote TWICE and we did. Both times favoring wipe by over 2/3 majority. then the devs decided not to do it. which is all fine and dandy free server blah blah blah and all. BUT there are valid points that them asking us for our input then ignoring it is very SOE'ish. Especially since they seemed to have listened to that minority that *****ed and whined and not the majority that would have liked to start fresh and test/play without the remnants of all those past bugs/exploits still present on server. Which was the point to the polls after all.
i did and while a would prefer a wipe its not costing me anything so if they listen fine and if they dont then i can deal with it or move on til the final release but all these people complaining up a storm are going to be the same people on suncrusher the day of its opening happy as hell even thought they *****ed half the way there. No appreciation