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Old 08-29-2010, 01:29 AM
dashbarron dashbarron is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 13
After the OR is released and the rolling wipe(s) stop, will the characters be permanent on the server during and after release 1.0, or will there be another large wipe post 1.0?

- This news brings me quintessential joy, and I'm quivery with anticipation for its release. I bought SWG and played it since launch through NGE +3 months, before finally giving in. Ever since I heard the rumors on the wind that this project, this beacon of hope was being developed by dedicated fans with the skill and dedication to see the dream become a reality, I have been eagerly waiting, watching the months toll by, and kept an eye on this project, returning to read the forums and dev's progress as it came available. Without a doubt I have not anticipated a release for a game as much as I have this. I've been rooting for you to return SWG to it's glory, and I applaud you for the years of work you have put into this project. Thank you everyone, you really inspire hope in a galaxy full of darkness, and I appreciate and respect all the work you have done.