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Old 09-13-2010, 06:31 PM
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Elvaron Elvaron is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Posts: 156
Originally Posted by studrandbo View Post
i have to agree with some here in that the expiration times seem way too long. there is short and there is long and then there is way too long. most of those expiry times are way too long. even if a troller gets slapped over and over again. a three month suspension would work for that troublemaker. i mean, who is gonna remember him after 3 months?
i think the expiry dates should be 3 months and 6 months max. naturally the permanent bans are permanent.
but if someone does some really stupid stuff here, i think a 6 month spanking would be appropriate. not friggen 2 years. and boy do those points add up fast in the new system, especially with 2 year expiry dates!
You realize that the expiry date does not equal the punishment right? I don't see anything with an expiry date of 2 years that gives more than 3 points and that is a 3 weeks ban, not a 2 year ban. And all of those are serious offenses. As in real-world illegal.
