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Old 09-19-2010, 03:45 PM
GammerTag GammerTag is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
I doubt anyone is going to bother with that.

NOVA will be wiped soon, we are moving to new forums, and we will be registering again. No point in adding something to a front page that is was even disabled for a while because it was outdated (i have no idea why they enabled it again).

I understand where you are coming form, but its just not worth the trouble.
I have been away from the end of august thinking the OR was coming at the beginning of September and haven't been keeping up with the forums. Has there been a new update thread.

You said that we are moving to a new forum and have to create new accounts. Alittle comfused...we won't be coming to SWGEMU.COM anymore after OR or are they just going to be wiping the slate clean on here and remaking the website?