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Old 09-07-2009, 03:18 PM
amphitryon amphitryon is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 274
I think folks need to take a step back and recall how long it took to produce what SOE released back in 2003, how many PAID developers whose ONLY job it was to make SWG. (even how many of that team whose ONLY job was to build the server code and maintain the servers). It took that team pof PAID developers approx. 5 years to bring SWG to the point it was at in June 2003 (and even then it still wasn't done).

The fact the SWGEmu team has gotten the server to where it is right now in a shorter peroid of time, with a shoestring budget and volunteer development that is done when the people have a chance to take time form their real lives is a major accomplishment.

Also, it seems clear that some have lost sight of the fact the Nova is a TEST CENTER, not a playable, live server..population counts on Nova are MEANINGLESS! The games content is not there, no themeparks, quests, missions, etc..right now its been all about getting the mechanics working, and if you are on Nova complaining about playability, its obvious you missed the point of Nova in the first place. It is for TESTING game mechanics..not for full blown gameplay..that is what Sun Crusher is all about.

The devs here are not stupid..they know better than to publish information like SOE then be forced to recant their story later, they know better than to cave into demands for info before the info is ready to be disseminated.

and I daresay the devs and the mod team now have a strong understanding of what it was like to be an SOE dev or a SOE forum mod/community manager and that there is more to making a MMO work than simply doing what the community wants.