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Old 04-28-2010, 12:03 AM
monkeypye monkeypye is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 81
I am confused.

the developers control the code on the forums
the developers control the code in the game.

the developers posted a vote and set the rules for the vote and what would happen based on the vote.

Yet the vote was disregarded partly because of new accounts?
if you control the forums cant you control how and who places the votes?
Set limits of account age? SOMETHING?

I dont care which way the vote went.
I am pissed because I was misled by the people I TRUST to bring this game to its fullest potential.

Now that this vote and bull**** has happened...I dont trust a word the devs say.

I doubt the OR is actually gonna happen at this point.

Are they just milking donation money and using it for something else then what they say it is being used for?

I cant trust them anymore and will NEVER donate money to this project until it is finished.