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Old 04-28-2010, 12:24 AM
Daywolf Daywolf is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: US of A
Posts: 169
Originally Posted by topllama View Post

I have played for a couple months now and can not seem to be able to compete on the trade forums with those that have some many credits. So a wipe was seen as a leveling of the playing field.

Oh well. Hopefully the OR wipe will be this summer some time.
That really is a sad reason to wipe. I'm a newbie so please wipe. Going over many comments in the poll, a majority that voted yes with many ridiculous variations of demands on a wipe (credits, items, accounts etc..) simply wanted it to "even the playing field", it's clear.

That is no reason to wipe the database, it's just being mean to the existing community that is waiting for the OR and that wipe, there really is no need for bug reporting at this time. And yes before I get flamed, I know some vets do want a wipe, I do respect their opinions. Yet many that have been here for years probably would not even come back after such a pre-or wipe for a time since we know it will get wiped again, and we are hoping the wipe for the OR is soon.

If they did wipe it, it would only mean that the OR release is no time soon, so why spend the time starting over to "even the playing field" (or variation of that comment), we have family and friends, a life, and investing in a beta stage (a lame duck stage actually) to accommodate the newer players is pretty silly; if you really give it some thought.

Come on people, restore civility, go with the flow, take a chill pill, a wipe will be around soon enough, and at a point we will all agree it's really needed (e.g for the OR). If you are new, just tough it out, we pretty much all have here at one time or another.

Last edited by Daywolf; 04-28-2010 at 12:29 AM.