Originally Posted by Vlada
SunCrusher will be the real game, TC or NOVA is a test center and will remain a test server even when SC is launched.
As for wipes of TC/NOVA, next one is expected as soon as OR is finished. So maybe in a month or two, maybe more, maybe next year, but it will be wiped, over and over again whenever a major update is to be implemented. Dont get to attached to your toons, because one thing is for sure, while we are on TC/NOVA wi will be wiped at some point.
SunCrusher is a completely different story, that will be a live game and no or very, very few wipes will happen, (once in a blue moon).
Official Server Plans
We have been bombarded with this question as long as the project has existed. "Is SWGEmu going to host an official server?" We have always deflected this question with non-committal responses. Today we make the official announcement that SWGEmu WILL be hosting a server called "Sun Crusher". Sun Crusher will start out as the "Playable Test Center" and when the official release is ready, then it will be wiped and become the SWGEmu LIVE Server.
SC is starting out as a TC but it WILL be wiped.SO yeah sorry to say it but ur wrong.MY question was how long will SC be around for b4 the wipe? and when will the official Game be released?i guess i should have been more clear on that.