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Old 09-06-2010, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Testmule View Post
My bad, you lost me here... But then I'm old and slow. I'm aware of the frogs and understand that for a while we are testing the new system.

My hopes of better resource spawns are/were intended for once the O.R. stabilizes and the initial "wipes" are over. After playing on Nova for close to a year, I noticed that the quallty of resource were far lower than what was available on live. I, for one have never really enjoyed PvP, and always found the hunt for the servers best resources to craft the best part of SWG. After all SWG still has the best crafting system in any MMO.
When the "wipes" are over we'll be very close to version 1.0 release which mean the resources spawn will be like in pre-CU, somtimes good and sometimes bad. I wouldn't be too worried about that, unless you want sweet resources all the time
Old 09-06-2010, 08:50 AM
InTensify InTensify is offline
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Originally Posted by Diktator View Post
When the "wipes" are over we'll be very close to version 1.0 release which mean the resources spawn will be like in pre-CU, somtimes good and sometimes bad. I wouldn't be too worried about that, unless you want sweet resources all the time
it would be nice, but it would be more "realistic" to have them good or bad when spawning
Old 09-06-2010, 09:11 AM
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Diktator is right, expect wipes throughout the TC: Nova until v1.00 is on SunCrusher. Of course we won't wipe it just because we are evil, but because it serves the developers' work.
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Old 09-06-2010, 11:53 AM
Aerec Aerec is offline
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Originally Posted by Mattwo View Post
Aww snap I just noticed DE wasn't there. Guess for the same reasons as CH?
I noticed that too, bit of a bummer but I can just test the crafting profs (WS/AS/Chef/Tailor) I didn't try until it comes along.
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Old 09-06-2010, 12:00 PM
Sonno Sonno is offline
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Call me selfish

After the OR goes permanently live, how often will it be wiped?

Better question... Can you guesstimate how long after the OR goes live that it'll be up like Nova is now, if at all?
"My life is one long complicated macro..."

Old 09-06-2010, 12:06 PM
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The days the OR was put to test, a couple weeks ago, artisan was available for testing, in fact is what I did (along with plant some factories and harvesters). You can be sure you will be able to test all crafting professions. I've got the feeling OR is quite polished about these professions, though I only tested artisan since I couldn't get to higher levels because of the short time OR was tested and the daily wipes. As soon as OR will be 24/7 online we will have the chance to test thoroughly crafters and any other profession.
Old 09-06-2010, 12:56 PM
zdzichu1992 zdzichu1992 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sonno View Post
Call me selfish

After the OR goes permanently live, how often will it be wiped?

Better question... Can you guesstimate how long after the OR goes live that it'll be up like Nova is now, if at all?
If you have read anything in these threads you would know the answers to your questions.

1. It will be wiped as often as deemed necessary to facilitate the Dev's work

2. Trying to get a guesstimate is pointless as you will never get one. Unless I am wrong, OR is not meant to be like Nova. It is the code that needs tested extensively that will get us to ver 1.0 and Suncrusher.

If all you are looking for is to "play", then you best look elsewhere until SC goes live. Nova was here to placate us while the OR code was being worked on in the background, but now that era is soon to be over and the server will be back to a true testing phase.

Won't call you selfish, but if you are not interested in testing and all you want to do is "play", well not much esle to tell ya.
Old 09-06-2010, 02:13 PM
Rowgen Rowgen is offline
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I am actually looking forward to the progression of player buildings. I understand that the wipes are necessary and for me, to make certain that everything is going to, in the end bring back a game which was the best sandbox out there during it's heyday. I started the Test Center later, and despite a few of the glitches with regards to spawn rates, scaling of the size of spawns, lack of a working garage, it was all very very close to how the game was pre-cu. Kudos to the developing team and their continuing hard work!
Old 09-06-2010, 04:20 PM
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I got to wear a working backpack today! Woot!
Old 09-06-2010, 07:26 PM
Belashe Belashe is offline
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looking forward to the OR myself and a step closer to the final product.keep it up doods
Old 09-06-2010, 09:02 PM
Master Chief Master Chief is offline
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Full testing?! I'm there...as soon as the time comes, of course!
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:06 PM
snowwolfjacob snowwolfjacob is offline
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Once the OR is up for longer periods of time, I'm in! I was able to be on for a few minutes earlier today. Hope we get longer testing time in the near future.
Old 09-06-2010, 09:09 PM
Guryon Guryon is offline
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Wow you guys are just awesome. Love you, love your work. I don't pop my head in here all that often any more, but my monthly contribution is still trickling in and I am so looking forward to the future of this project.

*Happy sigh*

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Originally Posted by aire0n View Post
Yep I have a legit copy as well. I can take a screenshot of me holding the cd case and the cds if you want rofl.
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Last edited by TAfirehawk; 09-06-2010 at 09:26 PM. Reason: appreciate the support, but not the *** language
Old 09-06-2010, 10:00 PM
Taivan Taivan is offline
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I was on earlier today and went fishing. Talk about awsome. Cant wait for the OR to hit nova for good.
Old 09-06-2010, 11:31 PM
Ama-Ebi Ama-Ebi is offline
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I've been away from game a couple weeks and look forward to testing the new stuff..backpacks..YAY!

I know how hard it is for me to get time away from family and RL duties to enjoy time in-game. I truly appreciate the time devoted by the EMU staff. Thank you
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