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Old 02-01-2010, 07:29 PM
Pepsichic Pepsichic is offline
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Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
If yours or his account isn't banned i guess someone did and you don't have anything to worry about.
Thanks, will cross my fingers!
Old 02-01-2010, 09:42 PM
Sam_Lorrack Sam_Lorrack is offline
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I had the same problem with my wife's account getting banned on creation due to us having the same IP. I sent an email and it was fixed in 2 days (Saturday being account creation and today being Monday).

Old 02-04-2010, 12:02 AM
kavor kavor is offline
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is there anyway we can have a little disclaimer on the setup guide that says this? I've been a member of this site for a really long time now, but I dont check it every day/night/week/month. I was only able stumble upon this because I decided to browse around, and for someone who is casual, they don't see the other bajillion posts about multiple accounts. I think this point was made earlier but those of us who remember the old school swg, you could only have 1 char per server per account, so many of us had 2 or even 3 accounts to have our crafting toons etc. Those who are like me and don't browse every single thread of every single forum, and who remember the way things used to be when SOE ran the show, tend to not think out of the box and say "hey maybe they made it to where we can have multiple toons". Just my 2 cents.

Old 02-04-2010, 03:35 AM
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I have no idea why this isn't a sticky.
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Old 02-05-2010, 05:31 AM
azaezel azaezel is offline
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because they haven't really had time to enforce it, or that's my guess. With the holidays, and such, I have a feeling that everything is pretty much on the back burner, as far as SWGEmu is concerned, and rightfully so...

Also, there's no way of ACTUALLY enforcing the policy, seeing as how the game will now run on a low end laptop. Most people have at least one desktop, possibly more, and a laptop. I myself have 2 desktops, and 2 laptops. One set is mine, the other is my wifes. I have a feeling, that this is pretty common for folks. It's also pretty common to connect from the same IP, due to a router. Now if they're using MAC's to ban people, we've got 4 chances to create accounts. I have not done so... simply because there's no real need... first of all, we could be wiped at any given time, and second of all, it's not fair with the server cap, to other players.

However, there are those that don't feel the same, and I'm sure are using all of the computers they have to their advantage, and unfortunately, there's no real good way of preventing them from doing so... that much is obvious just by walking into a cantina, and seeing a spam macro to send a tell to another player to get the entertainer started buffing, and by the numerous Surveyors.

Unfortunately, the only way for this to stop completely is if the community polices itself...
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Old 02-05-2010, 05:40 AM
Ekaika Ekaika is offline
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We enforce things as time permits and the community necessitates.
Old 02-07-2010, 11:48 AM
Lukstarkiler Lukstarkiler is offline
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Originally Posted by Ekaika View Post
Currently on Test Center: Nova, no. There is no character limit per account. Again we insist that only one account is created per user, however.
Sooo... rather than reading through lines of posts, I can just safely assume that if I have friends over and host a lan party of SWG I won't get my butt chewed out for having multiple accounts logged in from the same IP? I'm just a bit confused when it comes to this...
Old 02-07-2010, 11:51 AM
Metal Metal is offline
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There are so many dual boxers online... that is geting crazy, but as always no gm's to do something.

Let's not speak about forums...
Old 02-07-2010, 12:49 PM
larsemand larsemand is offline
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So im guessing thats why i have trouble even connection to the server sometimes, like right now :/

They have ingame players as part of the support team, why not also players to patrol these things?
Old 02-07-2010, 12:51 PM
Medra Medra is offline
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You are allowed to have 2 characters on at one time. Just because someone has an entertainer and another character on doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong. Just because they have a sampler and a combat character on at the same time, doesn't mean they are doing something wrong. Just because someone chooses to have both of their online slots be samplers temporarily, doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong. Just because everybody wanted swoop metal at the same time, hours after swoops suddenly were able to be crafted and during a time when there were so many people suddenly interested in being on the TC again, doesn't mean there were a lot of people doing anything wrong. Especially at the one spawn point that was on a starter planet, just outside a major city.

By the way, if you get yourself set up for IRC and check status, you will find out why you can't connect. It's deadlocked. The samplers didn't cause it, either.

Last edited by Medra; 02-07-2010 at 12:54 PM.
Old 02-11-2010, 11:03 AM
Rafe_Sendron Rafe_Sendron is offline
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So, are accounts being unbanned right now or are the devs too busy? I've got a buddy trying to play but his account was banned immediately for some reason. He's using legit software and is the only one in his house, so I don't know what the problem might be.
Old 02-11-2010, 01:09 PM
sythzon sythzon is offline
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it is wrong to have the multiple accounts imo. but, i do think the massive amounts of surveyors is good due to the fact that we need to find spawns and test the server and what not.

so there is some kind of plus to it.
Old 02-28-2010, 05:14 PM
Zuris Zuris is offline
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im just curious to know what the problem is running for someone to have multiple accounts or running more than one at a time ?
Old 02-28-2010, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Zuris View Post
im just curious to know what the problem is running for someone to have multiple accounts or running more than one at a time ?
Multiple accounts are against the rules, however you can run multiple instances (you can have two characters logged at the same time) from LPE.
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Old 03-02-2010, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
Multiple accounts are against the rules, however you can run multiple instances (you can have two characters logged at the same time) from LPE.
just curious.
would that include 2 different toons from 2 different machines on the same account or would trying so get me banned
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