Thread: Update 07/17/07
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Old 08-14-2007, 03:12 PM
Serpentkaa Serpentkaa is offline
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Who has the beating the dead horse picture?

Please leave the devs alone. They have made statements in 3 other threads about updates (as recently as the last 48 hours) they are working on clustering. They have made IRC available to listen to the updates live.

I am feeling a little grumpy so here's my rant: IMO if you want it done faster or you want a dedicated team to update you on each little step - donate 20k a month and let them quit their day jobs and you support them financially. Then you have the right to bug them this much. And by bug them this much - I mean the multiple threads and discussions in just the past two weeks. Quit being lazy and use your search function. Stop asking for an update 3+ times a week. Hell, just do a search for their postings by name. There are not that many of them and it won't take you that long.

If they haven't updated the community in a month (that's September 15th for anyone counting), then we can start pestering them like flies.