Thread: Update 9/4
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Old 10-04-2007, 06:29 PM
IG-EightyEight IG-EightyEight is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Chicago
Posts: 1,963
Originally Posted by KV90 View Post
True to IG +IG if u got over 1000 posts use your time more wisely in the TC not in forums
because I can post on the Emu forums when im at work or working in the computer lab, and at my pc at my place.

I definitely could log onto the TC when im at home, i choose not to because there really wouldnt be much I would do on there, I dont even have the Emu installed currently because I had a bunch of issues with it a while back and I never bothered to fix it.

My post count has absolutely nothing to do with spending time, a post takes 15 seconds to make.

And why should anyone who just wants updates be required to use the TC? if thats how the devs want it, by all means its their choice and I wouldnt make a fuss.

But when updates are said to be coming a lot more frequently (this was back when updates sometimes were like 2-3 weeks apart), I can ask why its not happening or whats going on. A lot of players greatly look forward to mainsite updates, no matter how insignificant the update may be.

Im not angry or pissed off, im simply curious about the status of the game and anxious like every other player. All the devs have to say is "we are going back to once a month updates" and thats my answer. I dont need a bunch of teenagers to tell me that "THEY ARE WORKING ON IT. CANT U RESPECT ITS THEIR FREE TIME AND OWN HARD WORK." We all know this.

You all get so offended that I have a hard time taking you seriously. It is a simple question.

And if this doesnt add up to you, then I honestly dont know what to say other than you have some comprehension issues beyond anything here, and you probably need some personal help. But then again perhaps its wise not to give advice on things you know nothing about.