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Old 06-06-2008, 10:46 AM
jedichuck jedichuck is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 18
I hope all teams can rise to and maintain this level of maturity.

This post, as well as Lordcorm's initiative are a gleaming ray of hope to all of us who have been and still are eagerly awaiting the release of a pre-cu emulator.

That being said, as a community member -not developer- it's much easier to help research and provide needed facts or to give feedback to a developer when they ask for it than it is to suggest fixes or changes to the game. Albiet, the game as it was in pre-cu was something incredible to us all, there is no denying the fact that it never reached it's full potential. We would all accept and embrace pre-cu as it was, there is no doubt about that. But even the community is split at times between those who are against even the slightest change to pre-cu and those of us who want to see the game fixed and tweaked to become better than it was.

The fixes and tweaks needed are nowhere as drastic as CU or NGE, or even attempting to "balance" the combat professions. We just want everyone's given specials and modifiers to work, make professions like CH, DE, Ranger, and so on viable and worth playing, as well as adding content. Afterall, there was a whole list of promises made to us from SOE that were ditched in favor of CU.

I would really hope the emu community is mature enough to understand balancing combat professions was never intended nor even reasonable as each type of combat profession was meant to have it's strengths and weaknesses in different situations. [ e.g. in no realm should one expect a fist to deliver the same damage as a high powered rifle in regards to killing a mob, nor should they be equal on open ground, however in close quarters combat the upper hand should go to the melee fighter.]

Jedi unlocking is another source of friction within each community. There are those who want to stick with the holo-grind and those who want the village - or both. Then you have those of us who want something different and verifiably random from player to player so that no one ever really knows the key to unlocking. IMO, both versions of the jedi unlock were the ultimate demise of the community of swg which lead to the destruction of pre-cu. The way I see it is that the community - or at least an overwhelming majority- abandoned their normal roles and left the rest of us in the cold looking for items we came to rely on such as chef foods, weapons, armor, and so on, while they wasted resources or churned out inferior products because they were blindly grinding instead of working on the quality of their goods. So if those same unlocking mechanisms are introduced in the emu, the community won't even have a chance. And that's what drew in and kept a lot of us playing pre-cu was the community.

To delve into some potential added content - we've tossed around the idea of Player Bounties and provided a great level of detail as to avoid griefing potential. The reason being that until there are player jedi, BH's will have no real fun being BH's. Given the fact that Han was not a jedi, but was hunted by BH's, and the thrill of having a chance to be jumped or ambushed any second really plays to the PvP'ers in the community.

These are all just abbreviated examples of some of the topics that have been tossed around the different communities. For me though, I don't feel it's appropriate for me to bug or push these ideas to the development teams unless asked for of course. I have a great respect and deep appreciation for all teams attempting to bring us a pre-cu emulator so I would much rather allow the devs to focus on getting the emu done, and not bug them to the brink of quitting because they feel like we would be "telling them what to do" rather than helping them reach the end goal.