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Old 06-06-2008, 10:36 PM
david665 david665 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Ft Stewart, GA
Posts: 511
The unification doesn't, IMHO, hinge on the compatibility of code. If the SWGEmu guys are having trouble with a feature, being able to ICQ the guys at SWG:ANH and say, "Yo, I got this problem..." and the ANH guys looked at it and said "Have you tried this?" and it helped the SWGEmu guys make headway, that's a win.

For the ANH guys to ask the Emu guys and get positive results from the return help, that's a win.

Sometimes you need someone outside the problem to look at it, cuz they have a different perspective and can come at it from another angle. And you never know, resolutions reached this way might be cross-platform solutions. That's a win/win or win/win/win if True Galaxies gets into the unification project.

Being able to share info that helps all involved, even if the code itself isn't compatible, is just the pwnsauce any way you cut it.
Put the boots to him, medium style...