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Old 06-07-2008, 01:22 AM
Rehhtahn Rehhtahn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by maximilius View Post
Good post.

I know that when I've spent many many hours on things like speeches, essays etc, a fresh set of eyes offering their opinion is exactly what is needed. Whilst I have no experience out side of web development, I would imagine fresh eyes are always a bonus in IT as well.
IT is no different.

You can compare writing code to building a website from the ground up. Sometimes you just need a coworker(or even some random guy) to say, "Hey, it would look cool if you did this!" or "Wow, this part of the page would be perfect to put such and such!". At the bare minimum it can spark idea's and lead to new and exciting stuff.