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Old 07-20-2008, 03:47 PM
goldcrud goldcrud is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 631
Originally Posted by Jygon Shen View Post
this is a question i don't really know where to ask and it may be dumb to ask regardless but why is it every time there's an update for EMU my character is deleted? or maybe its even more frequent than that it could be every time i come on but lately its only been for the new updates but im really getting into it and want the problem resolved anyone have any ideas?

I believe they wipe the database because they have to if they want to apply the updates to the TC. In basic terms whenever theres a major update especially one that affects the DataBase like the recent one expect there to be a DB wipe its unavoidable. The devs had to wipe the DB in the recent one because they made a bunch of changes to the DB like crafting new starting waypoint etc.