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Old 07-29-2008, 10:52 AM
smokemare smokemare is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 1
Well said, I have been somewhat detached from the SWGEMU for some time now. I've been reading but not posting for months on end. Back when the code was open source and the emulator was distributed freely - I wrote a guide to getting a server up and running, which was consequently stickied.

I have to say at the time I felt a tension about the project on the boards. When the open source aspect of the project was withdrawn, and the forum re-launched I didn't feel comfortable trying to get involved again.

My issue, which is probably the same for many people is, that I lack the technical expertise to contribute code or help analyse packets or build databases. When the time comes that the community requires a guide of some sort writing, even if it's simply a matter of translating a set of technical instruction into easy to follow plain english - then PM me, because I'd be happy to help. I still believe 100% in the project, and I'm looking forwards to it's completion - even if I'm not currently in a position to assist with testing.

The risk of urging a mass of people to become involved and move things forwards faster is that most of that mass of people will not have the required level of expertise to contribute. We can all express our opinions about how the finished project should be, but that's all they are - opions. Most of the player base were unhappy with some aspect of the game at some point or other - even in the golden days of SWG. I suppose the problem is partly that being such a highly anticipated game, people had high expectations, that mostly weren't met. I no longer care about the technicalities of how the game works, for me I'd prefer to stay silent and await the finished product. However it turns out it will be far more enjoyable than the NGE and if throwing my opinions as to how it should go would slow things down or casting aspersions at the direction the development was taking would push the completion date back - I simply wouldn't bother.

You're doing a great job guys, you always were. Don't feel hard about the way the community split - or the bitterness that may have ensued between indviduals or groups. A project of this magnitude with this expection was ALWAYS going to have that problem - you couldn't have stopped it.