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Old 12-04-2008, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by faceman7381 View Post
I am remembering a story I heard when I was a kid about a hen who made bread. No one wanted to help her make it, but everyone wanted to eat it when it was finished.

We have a unique thing here. We have always been upset with SOE and LA about a lack of input and ability to aid. With emu, we have that.

Let's not tear up the beutiful wrapping paper just to get to the gift and then be upset it was not what we wanted.

We need to help make the bread so it is 'ours' when we eat it.

EVERYONE who has intentions of playing this when it goes live should be there if they can.

We've been begging to have pre-cu back. The devs are making that happen. They are asking for OUR help in testing it. We owe this and anything else they ask us to aid them with.

Saturday be there
Wise man. Thanks for sharing.

Originally Posted by Axler View Post
I will be honest, i can get an additional 5 people to jump in for stress test but they dont want to go through the effort without knowing whats going to be in the test. they logged in awhile back and know of the current progress but they want to see something...notable to jump in for. they love the bug fixes and progress. but they seem to be stalling at... "more game features" need to be there before they put in more effort.

And i know your close on alot of these. so now its just... which ones might be in for the stress test.

if we tell them some new feature will be there. They will come....
If they don't want to play, they don't have to play, but we won't pander to a few people who think that they will be bored on they day. They can come or they can not come - however it will be fun, and they will miss out if they don't come.
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