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Old 01-06-2009, 08:17 AM
xavjer xavjer is offline
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Posts: 272
Originally Posted by Metron Besk View Post
Ok... Story time...

Way back in Beta I, there was a profession labled "Miner". It sat above the "Mining" branch in Artisan. However, the profession was never implemented and the skill tree never released. The reason being that besides mining bonuses, there really wasn't anything to be added with a mining profession. After much outcry, they mentioned that they may replace it with an Industrialist profession. This profession would be focused on mining and manufacturing. However, they ran into the same problem. All this profession would do would get bonuses to factories and mining. No real content. So they scrapped it. This was also around the same time the scrapped "Farming" as a profession. They changed it to Bio Engineer instead. The reason? It sounded more "Star Warsy". Of course, not once is the word "Bio Engineer" ever used, however you hear "Farmer" in the films.

That being said, there was a strange bug early in release that gave some people (myself included) a small amount of Industrialist XP. It was still listed right up to the NGE.
Interesting, thx for the info