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Old 09-07-2009, 11:35 PM
quadroplex quadroplex is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 38
you know the very same staff members that go on about how they dont have the time to post litle bits of info here and there are they same ones who spend hours posting replying and generally trolling some peoples threads. and whats more they arent devs.

I will state that i am behind the actual developers of core3 110% the ones (Real devs not staff but devs of core3)that i have spoken to have always been helpful couteous and professional.

The staff however seem to be acting like middle schoolers whos teacher is out sick for the week. please note the distinction i am making here
Forum mods - staff
client devs - staff (should be client hackers bth since they arent really developing the client but hacking(modding) it
IRC Mods - staff
QA(testers) -- staff

Developers - well self explaintory but ( All the people working on core3 and engine3)

in truth the testers shouldnt even be staff no other community or project makes beta testers staff members at most in the mmo world you get ingame perks thats about it. and of course well you get to see and play the game before everyone else lol

Frankly i dont care if my post is unpopular but truthfully you dont see the linux distro staff acting like they have egos the size of alaska or plainly stated trying to perform for their friends on the forum to get laughs, honestly it just makes them look like 12 year olds to the rest of us. so it being an open source non profit project has no bearing on how the staff has been acting of late.

The devs are doing an amazing job and yeah from what i have heard the or will be a major step in the right direction, all anyone has asked for is updates on what is going on not eta's or deadlines or what not. imagine that the community likes to stay informed and to be treated with respect. you know your name being a special color doesnt automaticly make you entitled to respect you have to earn respect and the developers i have spoken to have earned my respect. That said you cant sit there and spend hours on end posting trolling and replying to threads and say you dont have the time to post a bit of info about such a major update to the project i mean come on lol

Im not an ass kisser i never have been i never will be i will fight tooth and nail if i disagree with something, and i strongly disagree with the STAFF on how they behave because most often they behave like children.

The devs however not only do i stand behind them and appreciate all they do but i really do pitty them having to see the bs and drama that goes on especially that which the staff take part in so they can look cool to their friends by **** talking and going on egomaniacle power trips.

I think its time that the distinction was made here I in no way belittle or demean the core 3 dev team they are awesome (Least the ones ive spoken to) but something has got to be done about how the staff act on these forums because it makes the devs and project look bad.

To all you ass kissers seriously lol noone likes an ass kisser

As a side note the devs deciding to do the OR Was not an unpopular decision infact i for one support it 100% it will or should open many doors for future development. What I Dont agree with is the bs that has gone on of late rules apply to everyone but most importantly the staff members learn to lead by example and if you want respect earn it dont expect it because you have a nodicum of tenuous power and think your hot **** on a stick because you bs'ed your way into a spcially colored name

Last edited by quadroplex; 09-07-2009 at 11:40 PM.