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Old 09-15-2009, 02:42 PM
Ekaika Ekaika is offline
Retired Community Deputy Director
Join Date: Dec 2006
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There are 3 possibilities when considering TC status:

1) Up - All indications report Test Center "Up" and you can log in properly.

2) Down - LPE hangs on "Connecting to Galaxy" indefinitely. Indicators show "Down"

3) Deadlocked - Indicators report Test Center "Up", however LPE responds like server down.

Deadlock, again, means that two processes are awaiting one another to finish. Simply put, it's a bug. As you faithful Emu'ers log in and start playing with the new patch, you expose new bugs, some of these deadlock the server. Our guys bring it down, check the logs, and attempt to fix it (unless they have class, a boss yelling at them, or screaming kids to tend to).

So, in this case, it's probably deadlocked. Chances are it will change again in minutes, and continue to do this through the next few days. No need to keep posting asking the question.

Last edited by Ekaika; 09-15-2009 at 02:45 PM.