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Old 10-01-2009, 03:24 PM
Tarnrue Tarnrue is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 37
every beta i have played has always allowed you 5 to 10 mins notice of the server going down. and thats what this is, its a beta test for a game that is 6 years old.and i dont think this game should be treated any differently than any other. I think it would be nice to have a little bit of a notice even if they DONT tell us what they are taking it down for at least.
A: so we can find a safe place to log out
B: so we can disconnect and have less of a chance of being rolled back.
And from what i see on the forms they have made close to 2000 dollars last month so they are indeed getting paid. It may be going back into the project but they are still receiving money to help assist them.

A simple system message that says the server is shutting down in 5 mins would be nice.