[TC:Nova] Multiple Instances
Hi folks,
With our latest patch, TC:Nova has been at capacity almost 24 hours a day. Prior to this, we've allowed an unlimited number of instances (clients) to be run per account, to aid in testing. However, to make room for more people to join TC, we have now capped instances at 2 per user account. We understand that crafting is an issue, and a major reason to run multiple clients. However, to be fair to other users, a cap of 2 is necessitated and now set.
We are also now utilizing dedicated bandwidth. While this will not remove all the lag users are experiencing, it will level out the times at which you experience it. We are still running full-time debugging, which as we all know tends to lag the server. We are still working to find the proper ratio of players to lag on TC, given this new pipe.
So to be clear: a user is allowed 1 account, 2 instances (clients) running simultaneously on that account, and an unlimited number of characters per account.
Be advised, creating new accounts is grounds for banning, and will be strictly enforced.
Thanks for your support.
Last edited by Ekaika; 10-03-2009 at 06:06 PM.