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Old 10-16-2009, 10:34 PM
Emokho Emokho is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Hampton VA
Posts: 418
I can't do anything ingame anymore. It was kinda slow when I first connected but just before I logged out I walked to a mission waypoint, stood on it for 20 seconds waiting for it to update, and suddenly rubberbanded back 568 meters. The "don't use travel biscuts cause it makes it worse" idea kinda goes out the window when you already have 4/0/0/0 scout, I feel bad for the rangers right now.

I honeslty don't believe permabanning people for hacking is a bandaid, I think the rubberbanding is. With the lag that's been goin on lately and the rubberbanding on purpose it takes too long to do anyting to have a testable environment. Two weeks ago there were the same amount of people online, and people speedhacking apparently, and I didn't notice much lag at all except some spike or when in buisy cities, now I can't get a mission to update. Personaly, I think banning the hakers is good, keeping the rubberbanding in is bad. Mabey I'm biased because my character rubber bands like crazy every time their terrain negotiation takes effect anywhere but how are we supposed to test scout, ranger, squadleader, bountyhunter, CH, excetera that requie scout when the scouts can't move?

Yes, I do realise I can be an argumentative B... child of unwed parrents, but this whole week I've realy been trying to be patient and the problem keeps getting worse when I'm logged in, except yesterday, when I had a steady 2803 ping for 3 hours and nothing even hiccuped asfar as lag.

the turely sad part is I'd rather be logged onto an EMU when I can't do anyting on it than playing any other game out there smoothly. What the heck is wrong with game designers these days?
"And if I offended you, I'm sorry but maybe you needed to be offended." - Suicidal Tendancies

If your argument begins with the phrase "I don't think" please stop and do so before making it.

SgtMaj(ret) E'Mokho Aewi
Fate 10
Strike Force Justice

Last edited by Emokho; 10-16-2009 at 10:39 PM.