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Old 10-19-2009, 07:19 AM
nkcm nkcm is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by Ekaika View Post
It was clearly stated that if anyone who's been given the opportunity to help identify and rectify exploits does what you're indicating, they'll be blacklisted.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but the purpose of the exploitation team is to find exploits. No one is questioning that it's a great addition; the conflict is that a known cheater and griefer is now charged with finding the exploits. Ashor has shown nothing to show that he can be trusted with such an important task.

What kind of reassurances do we have that he won't abuse an exploit? Assume briefly that he finds an exploitation that allows him to train boxes without costing skill points (perhaps through a client hack). Will he report the exploit or keep it a secret (so that when v1.0 is out, he can use the exploit for a huge advantage)? He has been giving the “green light” to find all the exploits he can. Ashor has already shown a lack of ethics and morality in regards to the swgemu community.

This will get a little redundant (my apologies). Suppose he finds an exploit that he can “hide” until SC is released, abuses it to get an unfair advantage with confidence that he won't get caught, and finally reports it claiming that he just found it. He has already shown his willingness to abuse exploits, so this is something he is now in a position to do. He can not be trusted.

Flame on!