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Old 10-19-2009, 09:38 AM
roodypooh roodypooh is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Posts: 288
Originally Posted by zetlaux View Post
Thinking about it like that, given the history of these individuals cited, I have to agree that Valkyra has some legitimate points here. These people do not need to be staff, they need to be on the staff's leash, licking their boots while they sniff out exploits. Only upon finding an exploit do we then give them 1 (and not more than 1) tootsie roll- then we kick them in the kidney and make them keep sniffing. Their forum titles should be "Slave Exploit Sniffers."
Sadly its pretty clear that they don't give a damn about what anyone says. they pretty much made that clear when they just started unbanning and promoting without any discussion with the rest of the staff.

So much for all that talk from them awhile back that they don't play favorites and treat every member of the community the same.

To all the staff who have come out against these decisions openly in te community or even in private to your fellow staff members you guys have my full support on this.

To the staff who pulled this crap i say i guess the community was right with the playing favorites and letting them <storm> do what they want with no worries about anything happening to them.

i guess treating your fellow community members like **** will eventually lead to staff positions in the future for anyone interested in applying.
