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Old 10-19-2009, 12:39 PM
Ashur Ashur is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Norway Larvik
Posts: 2,600
Originally Posted by DraGa View Post
BULL**** Ashur, you sat there and griefed MULTIPLE people trying to unlock jedi by killing Malikae(or however you spell his name). You not only admitted it, but said "no jedi for you TOO"! The staff even had to deal with you over the issue.

Shut your god damn lieing ass up.
why did the youtube video get deleted by the guy that uploaded it then?? it showed me meditating and 10 ppl shouting "get him get him" & oh this is gonna be so fun" and loads of other oh not so nice things, then you all ran up, i popped a drink and forcearmor2 and ran away. one guy even said look he is speedhacking lol (even tho its impossible to speedhack when the detection software is running)

and i didnt say anything until one guy yelled run *****. funny thing is, all this and no proofe to back it up.

Originally Posted by duffmanrc View Post
don't say you don't grief people, i just gave you an instance to where you did.

Speed hacks make that 6km run much faster doesnt it?
wo you really are en ignorant tool you know that? its impossible to speedhack when the speedhack software is running.

Originally Posted by Mahonra View Post
Then why did you shout in spatial "I killed Mellachie for you guys! Hahaha" right after ruining Wrikes Padawan quest? I told you in the Cnet cantina that a group was on the way to complete the trial. 10 mins later you were there killing Mellachie.

Look, you gained respect by deleting your Jedi (assuming you aren't given a new one), so don't ruin that by continuing to claim you didn't intentionally ruin Wrikes quest.

why on earth would i do that? at the time i was friends with most of you guys.

have i ever done anything before that, that hinted towards me being a douche like that?

again after someone shouted run *****, i got mad.
Vengeance is STORM