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Old 10-19-2009, 01:15 PM
Timbab Timbab is offline
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Originally Posted by MarlonB View Post
Meh .... 17 pages of flaming doesn't really help either.
No reason to continue this.

If you care about the EMU, you will agree.
Well that's besides the point, it can turn into 50 or however many posts and it won't change the statements from multiple parties that were made.

Having this thread deleted could be looked at as a 'cover up', which is a tad to late, if that was wanted.

If anything, lock it, but then it would just leave a bunch of people 'quiet' while still being upset, leaving them to form their own views and fantasies on things that haven't been mentioned yet.

It's not like this is the first uprising, it's the third in fact. Just this time it's not by some 'raging' little group', it's by a majority of the community.
They That Are

The Truth, is limitless in its range
if you drop a 'T' and look at it in reverse it could Hurt