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Old 10-19-2009, 08:05 PM
Uli Uli is offline
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Originally Posted by mikegti View Post
Not how i wanted my first post to go but, my god, are some of you thick or what??
Do you really not understand why the dev team have deceided to go this route with regards to trying to make sure, when suncrusher comes, we all have the best experience possible? I've not heard of this Ashur, or the other one (don't know name. It's NOT important) and i don't care who they are. Do you really think the team would jeopordise years of work just to let a 'friend' hack? No, anyone with any sense wouldn't come up with a 'yes' to that question. They've said the exploitation team will work be on a seperate server... so why are some people here throwing hissy fits there game being ruined if the're not even on the same server?!?!. So what if they changed the policy? They've announced it. They've explained why they did it and the benefits we'll get from it. But some people can't/don't seem to see that.
The sky is falling and i hope it hits you on the ass!
Welcome, sorry you joined at a pretty bad time, give it a week or so and everything should hopefully clear up
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