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Old 10-19-2009, 09:22 PM
Yyss'a Yyss'a is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 86
Originally Posted by bondhi View Post
here's the way i see it.... since were on a TC, just play the game.... /report bugs.... /ignore players you dont like..... and surround yourself with good people =D.... why worry about someone having something you dont? jealousy? yeah seems like it... out raged like an angry mob outside the white house (being the EMU's team) just because something didn't go your way? yeah....
This. +1

Originally Posted by mikegti View Post
Not how i wanted my first post to go but, my god, are some of you thick or what??
Do you really not understand why the dev team have deceided to go this route with regards to trying to make sure, when suncrusher comes, we all have the best experience possible? I've not heard of this Ashur, or the other one (don't know name. It's NOT important) and i don't care who they are. Do you really think the team would jeopordise years of work just to let a 'friend' hack? No, anyone with any sense wouldn't come up with a 'yes' to that question. They've said the exploitation team will work be on a seperate server... so why are some people here throwing hissy fits there game being ruined if the're not even on the same server?!?!. So what if they changed the policy? They've announced it. They've explained why they did it and the benefits we'll get from it. But some people can't/don't seem to see that.
This too. +1.

I thought this was a forum and not a popularity contest; I was mistaken. Several pages of flaming and trolling later, I'm unhappy and sad to see that, as always, those who cry the louder are fed first.

Take your petty wars about who's the best guild in private, like respectable mature community members would, for the good of everyone (yours first, thinking of it).

Okay, you were not picked to be close to the team and become friend? You were not special enough to make it to the Staff's friends? I'm really sorry that you are hurt so bad by something that doesn't even concern you directly.

Here's how I manage to have a good time, no matter what: I surround myself with good people and enjoy what is going on HERE and NOW, not THERE and THEN. I'm not here on a selfish quest to be popular and a savior/god/martyr to this community, I'm here to see the project grow and succeed.

What is your reason to be here?

Last edited by Yyss'a; 10-19-2009 at 09:23 PM. Reason: typos