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Old 10-20-2009, 02:56 AM
fixit6 fixit6 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,236
A few of the players in question here have been around a long long time, a couple have in fact helped track down a considerable amount of bugs over the years. Now if they are willing to report exploits, script haxs, etc that they has uncovered (or created) to the proper people, then what can I say? Eradicating such problems should be taken quite seriously for a smooth transition -> live. If not now, then when? I don't think any of us would like to go into 1.0 with huge exploits and other cheats present. Certainly, however, this exploit team SHOULD not be given GM/Dev/Mod type powers; that is a given.

Anyrate, I am not supporting or condoning either side. Most this is all hersay, rumors, and posts filled with emotion created from several players and guilds...

I think the devs are level headed enough to deal with this properly. If said players use these cheats to grief and or get a leg up over players without reporting them + repeat it continuiously, punishment should be handed out...for sure.