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Old 03-30-2007, 11:34 AM
Akelei Akelei is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 23
Its the general hostility from some team members and moderators that causes it, be a little more friendly and keep the finger from the ban button for a minute and people wont hold back on starting or joining discussions. This goes for some people in the community as well.

And as with everything, people constantly need a carrot to keep interested or eventually they get bored and leave. Keep releasing videos, even if they are of the most insignificant feature. Things such as cities showing up on the map, or using a faction recruiter to change your status is always a sign of progress. Less frequently, feature tests such as the stress tests will also help in keeping the community interested and willing to put effort into helping you out.

Be friendly even in the face of exceptional stupidity and ignorace - make sure to show results whenever possible. Two of the most important things imo.

Last edited by Akelei; 03-30-2007 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Lousy grammar and rephrasing.