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Old 03-30-2007, 11:56 AM
Jordashebasics Jordashebasics is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 9
I've been hesitant to reply to threads because of the threat of banning.

Flaming isn't exactly caused by the people being unwilling to look for answers to their questions - it's that threads get named poorly.

The thread requesting that people not try to log into the TC when it isn't up was titled "Fair Warning." As far as I know, that's a Van Halen album, not a warning about not logging into the TC. The thread would probably be better served by titling it "Please don't try logging into TC when it's down"

If the help topics were also specific, that could also reduce the number of support question threads that result in flaming.

I understand that the search function should provide relevant results, but even on the best of forums, there are lots of visitors that don't search, and just browse.

Once mobs are implemented in the test center, I'd be a whole lot more likely to participate in tests. I can't handle PvP at all. I just get knocked down and killed every time.