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Old 10-25-2009, 07:29 PM
Colt-556 Colt-556 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 640
Originally Posted by Labyrinth View Post
Right, so to hell with the people who don't bother to speak up, correct? I mean, clearly their opinion isn't important if they don't bother to voice it.

If you have 15 people in a group and 3 say "do x," then clearly the people in charge should do what the 3 say, right? That seems to be what you're saying.
Yeah, they should. Why? Because the others didn't speak up and thus their wishes are unknown. How can the devs cator to those who wont even speak up? So yes, they should be ignored. If they want to be heard they can post like everyone else. And majority of those willing to speak up have clearly said "get this off my server until it's fixed".